You have to admit, whether it was battering intruders in his house, head-butting policemen at taxi-ranks, or sorting out moaning defenders, Big Dunc had a rather direct style. Four convictions for assault, three months in jail and nine red cards over the course of his career are testimony to this approach.
A strong believer in keeping Everton at Goodison, his attempts at public debate on the matter with Brusselsblue were politely declined.
Quote Duncan:
"During my time at Everton, Goodison Park came to feel like a second home, with the supporters of the club, and the people of the city becoming a second family to me. If you were to take Everton out of the City, I firmly believe the club could no longer call itself the ‘People’s Club’ and I give my whole-hearted support to the campaign to keep Everton in the City."
And who's to argue against that?