A little bit further on from those lovely framed pictures of the exalted SCT teams of yesteryear, there's a small little insignificant cubbyhole in which sits a digital screen with touchscreen capabilities.
Brush away the cobwebs, set your mind back thirty five years and type in the name of your old school mates ------ hey presto up comes their finest achievements for all to see. Brusselsblue pushing the pen in second year exams (straight from the B class in the Nasher) takes us back to simple days in a bygone era. No personal computers, Ipods or mobile phones, four channels on the TV and collecting Batman cards. Christmas exams in the big school for the first time and "I have top get into 35, there's too many stupid boarders dragging me down in this class".
Type in the name of Chelski and you learn what he's kept quiet for years - two of the three references relate to his budding exploits as a piano virtuoso. First class honours in the Leinster School of Music Examinations twice in a row, and us looking for someone to front for the four poofs and a piano in Liverpool, and him remaining silent, I ask you.
Didn't bother typing in Mise le meas on the basis that he can fulfil that pleasure himself on a visit there soon whereas the Brussels and Sandymount lawyers have no right to go near the Old Alma Mater again, having chosen to educate their offspring in foreign fields.