Ok, now I’m worried.
There we were, in desperate need of a new government (to which I concurred) and everyone is telling don’t vote for Labour because of their taxation threats and to plump for the safe option in Fine Gael. So, swayed to an extent by their arguments, I followed through and gave the previously unknown Mary Mitchell O’Connor my fourth preference. I can still hear all the better-informed political animals in the constituency telling me “Oh, actually she’s very good”.
So what does the bold Mary do on her first day in Dail but drive her Mini Micra (or whatever it was), down the pedestrian steps of Dail Eireann in a scene reminiscent of the Italian Job - in front of the watching press cortege. Now she may look a bit like Rosemary Smith, but this is definitely taking the piss.
I relax, comfortable that the country is in safe hands. I do hope Inda leaves her on the back benches – they should be a bit of a challenge to her climbing skills – and at least she’ll be fully occupied for a first few Dail sessions. And this of course on a day when the EU announce that the rating system of applying lower motor premiums to women is wrong.
What a country.